
Saturday, November 25, 2017

Thames (NZ): New Lions Club Heritage sign at the old Courthouse in Queen Street

The Thames Lions Club continue on their major project of upgrading the 'yellow signs' around the town. An enormous task, but a welcome addition - as the new yellow signs also feature a photoboard with more information about the historic item or place. The new sign for the "Old Courthouse" is on the right.

The first Courthouse had been in Grey Street, in the thriving town of Shortland. Then in 1870 the new Government buildings were opened in Grahamstown, in Queen Street, just south of the Albert Street intersect.

The grand building contained the Courthouse, Police Station, and Post & Telegraph Offices. These were busy departments during the Goldfield days. The land was originally leased from property developer Robert Graham. Construction of the building began in 1869, and it opened 1870 at a cost of £3941. Structural alterations were made over the decades, including the Police Station moving north to a purpose built building in 1909.

Just part of the old courthouse remains to this day, along with the later brick Police Station. The current Police Station and Courthouse are located further south, on Queen Street. 
The new snippets on the latest board can be found from various postings on this blog over the past years.


The top photograph of the people outside the Post Office that was part of the Government building complex, featured in a post in 2015. (enlargement below)

The lower photograph showed the Thames Post and Telegraph staff outside the building in 1903. This photograph featured in a blog on "Messenger Boys" in September 2016.