
Monday, March 26, 2018

Thames (NZ): WWI ROH Commemorations 26-28 March 1918-2018

It seems a long time ago since the WW100 commemorations started, but sadly 100 years ago, there were still Thamesites being killed on the battlefields of France and Belgium.

The following soldiers with Thames connections lost their lives during 26-28 March 1918.
26/03/1918 In the Field, France; BAGNALL  Lemuel John15093; Private 1st Batt AIR
26/3/1918 In the Field, France; MCCOID John26653; Private 1st Batt AIR
27/03/1918 In the Field, France; CONNELL Herbert6/2984; Lance Corporal  1st Batt CIR 12th Coy
27/03/1918 In the Field, France; ROWE Mark Wilmot6/3449; Corporal 1st Batt CIR
28/03/1918 In the Field, France; THORBURN Charles Sidney25651; Rifleman 2nd Batt 3rd NZRB

Who were these men? What was their connection to the wider Thames area?

Lemuel John BAGNALL had connections to Turua where he was schooled.

John MCCOID was the son of William and Elizabeth McCoid of Turua.

Herbert CONNELL was from Tapu, Thames Coast. The son of Basil and Amelia Connell.

Mark Wilmot ROWE was born at Thames, the son of William and Catherine (Kathleen) Rowe. Mark was working as a farmer in Tauranga when he enlisted in 1915.

Charles Sidney THORBURN was born at Thames, the son of James and Lucy Thorburn. Charles attended Tararu, Waiokaraka and Thames High Schools. Thorburn excelled at school, and passed the Junior Civil Service Examination. 

Further information:
Full list of Thames WWI ROH 
Slideshow of WWI ROH
Gold Mine to Firing Line, book on Thames during WWI
Thames Memorial For World War One - names of men on memorial (and those omitted)