
Saturday, November 10, 2018

Thames (NZ): Armistice Day Eve 1918

While to the town tried to cope with the flu pandemic, the Thames Star Newspaper was still full of news of the Great War end.

There were still men dying in the month of November 1918:
4/11/1918 In the Field, France; RAE Thomas Handley12/3453; 2nd Lieutenant NZRB KIA, and buried at Le Quesnoy Communal Cemetery Extension, Nord, France
4/11/1918 In the Field, France; AYLING Arthur Bernard23/58; 2nd Lieutenant 1st Batt 3rd NZRB
4/11/1918 In the Field, France; HUNTER  John Joseph49153; Private  2nd Batt WIR, KIA, and buried at Le Quesnoy Communal Cemetery Extension, Nord, France
5/11/1918 In the Field, France; JUDD Reginald Augustine42942; Gnr 1st Brigade NZFA 1st Battery
7/11/1918 Staffordshire, England; ELLIOT Alexander Noel76918; Rifleman 5th (Res) Batt 3rd NZRB
7/11/1918 Auckland, New Zealand; MORRISON Harry4/1571; Sapper NZETC
9/11/1918 Auckland, New Zealand; DEEBLE William45487; Private 1st Batt AIR
9/11/1918 Auckland, New Zealand; TWEEDIE  Alexander Nelson2/1909; Bombardier  NZFA
10/11/1918 Whangarei, New Zealand; COAKLEY Austin Edward12/326; Sergeant-Major AIR
13/11/1918 Auckland, New Zealand; MURPHY Dennis84881; Private Maori Reinforcements
15/11/1918 Palmerston North, New Zealand; TRUSCOTT  John10/3139; Pte 2nd Batt WIR 17th Coy
18/11/1918 Featherston, New Zealand; TONKS Percival Gordon86391; Private NZTU
21/11/1918 Auckland, New Zealand; SMITH Albert Harrison35522; Sergeant Permanent Band
24/11/1918 Trentham, New Zealand; MARSHALL Cecil James Cunningham89710; Corporal NZTU
25/12/1918 Thames, New Zealand ; HALL Walter Ernest7/603; Sergeant CMR
28/11/1918 Samoa; MARTIN  George Peter23/2235; Lance Corporal  Samoan Relief Force
29/11/1918 Germany; HAWKINS Benjamin Arthur64502; Private No 2 NZ Entrenching Bttn

Thames Star Newspaper 10 November 1918
Thamesites celebrated the end of the wharf a few days early, with bells tolling and horns tooting, only to be told that confirmation of the end of the war had not yet been officially received!

The towns folk where reminded that they should wait until official news was received - there would be three tolls at intervals of the Shortland and Pahau Street Firebells. People should then quickly proceed to the Shortland end of Pollen Street and march behind the bands to the Park. The proclamation would then be read!


WW100 FOREST UPDATE 10 11 2018
Driving past the WW100 Commemorative Forest it was pleasing to see the progress being made to the forest located at Rhodes Park, south of the Kauaeranga River.

A boardwalk crossing has been made from the car park over the drain to the cycle/walkway. An entrance is being constructed and a covered kiosk that will have information on the forest and the war. Well done TCDC and all concerned with the project.