
Thursday, July 25, 2019

Thames (NZ): 'Sculpture' miner near Albert Street

Thames has  a growing number of artworks placed along the walkway / cycleway. While many are complicated and in some cases controversial as to their relevance, some of the best ones shine in their simplicity.

The ones in question have been made by Bruce Harper of Thames. Sadly they are so good, that they are often stolen or damaged!

ABOVE: The sculpture north of the Victoria Park tennis courts.

ABOVE Left: an old Digger up the Karaka Creek 1909
Source: Sir George Grey Special Collections, Auckland Libraries, NZG-19090721-20-1
ABOVE Right: A close-up of the 'digger' sculpture, Thames Foreshore.

Prospectors were a hardy breed, always hopeful that the 'big find' was in the next spot they mined.

So as you wander around the town keep a look-out for the other sculptures made by Bruce. Out by the "Welcome sign' to Thames, at the end of Albert Street, by the Croquet club, and sitting on the remains of the old Burke Street wharf.