
Thursday, August 22, 2019

Thames (NZ): Map of Native Blocks 1869

  • Title: Thames goldfield - Native cultivation, native blocks - scale 20 chains:1 inch - Original, J. Mackay
  • Source: Archway Item ID:R22822636  Archway Series Number:997
I am including a copy along with some section crops of this map that is available via New Zealand Archives. The real message though, is keep checking at Archives for the growing number of digitised items related to Thames (and New Zealand).

The map was the work of James Mackay, and details land reserved for native cultivation and residence. The wording may alarm some, but that is often the reference used for our tangata whenua at this time. Incredible really, given that a short two years previously, all the land was happily and productively in Maori ownership. What a difference two years made!

There are blocks of land identified: Karaka, Otunui, Kiri Kiri, Warahoe and Puriri. As well as the Church Mission Block.

 The above details were written by Civil Commissioner James Mackay Jr 30 June 1869, and includes some editing that was made at some stage (not re-dated).

It reads:
{Red Block} Denotes lands Tararu Township to the reserve in Shortland and the land south & east of the dotted line are reserved by the Natives for their own use for residence & cultivation. These are not subject to the Agreements with H. E. the Governor or to the Goldfields Act or Regulations.

{Green Block} Denotes lands reserved for The Townships of Shortland & Grahamstown are reserved, the rents whereof are payable to the Native owners.  These are available for Goldmining under the Agreements with H. E. the Governor but are excluded by His Honor the Superintendent’s Proclamation of April 1868.

{Mauve Block} Denotes lands The lands lying both northward of the dotted line ?both Northward of the Church Mission Block and of the Township are open for Goldmining under the Agreement with H. E. the Governor and also by His Honor the Superintendent’s Proclamation of April 1868.

Memo. The Tararu Township is not in any way subject to any of the Agreements with H. E. the Governor it having always been a Cultivation Reserve until the Natives procured Crown titles for it through the Native Lands Court.  There are some small Native holdings on the Tararu Stream which are not shown on this Map but which are excluded from lands available for Goldmining.  Position about spots marked this *. The boundary of the Native cultivation reserve at Puriri has been altered but the new lines are not cut on the ground; position shewn approximately by dotted lines.  Some land has been granted to the Church Mission on the S.E. side of the Puriri Stream but the boundaries are not known by me.

James Mackay, then certified the correctness of the map, dated 30 June 1869.