
Monday, November 11, 2019

Thames (NZ): Armistice Day at The Thames 11 November 2019

Well its hard to know what to say on 11th November - in any year!

At 11am on 11 November 1918, the Great War officially ended. From that time on, it became an annual event to encourage everyone to stop and remember. Remembrance Day is a term used in many countries, where communities stop to remember those who fought and died in all wars,

Armistice Day at The Thames.
Over the decades at Thames, the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month has faithfully been marked by the local RSA / services. In 2018, it fell during the Steampunk weekend, and the remembrance ceremony was held at the Peace Memorial. The attendance was large.

Over the years, it has always been the practice to have the fire siren sound to mark the period of silence, as the siren has become automated, it appears that this is no longer possible. So for the majority in Thames, the significance of the 11th hour possibly went without notice.

So today, a very, very small gathering assembled outside the Thames War Memorial civic Hall. Those who spoke, stressed that regardless of how many turn up, while they have one person to attend, the Armistice remembrance will continue!