
Saturday, December 21, 2019

Thames (NZ): Checkout the 2019 History Gems

Tourist / History Attractions at The Thames

Before 1900, what did our Thamesites and their visitors consider to be "worth seeing"? While the history of the tangata whenua at 'The Kauaeranga' is another issue, what did our ancestors deem a tourist attraction?

Thamesites of old, loved to visit the Tararu and Spencer's Gardens (Parawai). They ventured up into the bush to admire the Giant Kauri and admire the view over their town. There was always the excitement of travelling on the steam tram or later the steam locomotives. A cruise up the Waihou or across the Firth of Thames to Auckland. Our Thamesites were living the development of Pākehā settler history at The Thames - aspects that we celebrate and remember today.

Present day History Attractions at The Thames

There are groups in the town that aim to preserve and celebrate the history of the goldfield town fondly known as The Thames. A new pamphlet is currently being distributed by the Thames Heritage Network. If you visit our town, or live nearby, I hope you can find time to visit one of fabulous seven attractions. BUT, please remember there are also many more attractions that do not fall under a society: Shortland, Tararu and Totara Cemeteries; WWI Memorials (Rhodes Park, Civic Centre & Waiotahi Hill) and a large group of landmarks that are commemorated by the Lions Club yellow heritage signs.

Thames Heritage Network Pamphlet

Looking for something to do in Thames?
Visit one of the attractions above.
Even better, 
become a volunteer / member of our history groups.