
Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Thames (NZ): Music in schools - another of John Grigg's achievements

The Thames Goldfield was opened 1 August 1867, within months private then public schools were established.  A comprehensive curriculum was offered including singing instruction using a method known as Tonic Sol Fa.
     Tonic sol-fa (or Tonic sol-fah) is a pedagogical technique for teaching sight-singing, invented by Sarah Ann Glover (1785–1867) of Norwich, England and popularised by John Curwen who adapted it from a number of earlier musical systems. 
     A photograph republished in the Thames Star newspaper in 1937, aimed to record for future time an important aspect of Thames education. Special thanks to Dick for alerting me to the report.

Thames Star 20 August 1937 courtesy of PapersPast.
[I will try to get a better copy out of the newspaper]

The background to the photograph
Interestingly, Mr Grigg is not in the photograph, because he was the photographer - yet another skill and hobby of John Grigg's.

     The great interest being taken in the early history of Thames prompted the “Star” to inquire for particulars regarding the photograph which is published again to-day.
     As a result, we are able to publish the following interesting description, and thus preserve for the future one incident in Thames history which may easily have slipped into oblivion: —
     The photograph was taken at the old Kauaeranga School, which stood on the site of the present High School.
     It was taken one Saturday morning about 1887, by the late Mr John Grigg, who had a place of business in Pollen Street in premises now occupied by Edwin Brown and Co. Mr Grigg was employed by the Auckland Education Board as instructor in singing for the Thames primary schools, and on Saturdays, from 12 to 1, he gave teachers of the Thames schools instruction in the Tonic Sol-fa Method. It was after one of these lessons that the photo was taken.
     The teachers assembled every Saturday morning in the old Kauaeranga Boys’ School from 9 until 1 pm. Mr Horatio Phillips, the principal, gave instructions in school method and in drawing; then Mr W J Barlow, drill instructor, took over the teachers for physical and military drill. Mr Grigg followed with one hour for singing.
     The teachers are, reading from extreme left:—Fred Lough, pupil teacher, at back Wm. Elgar Johns, p.t., James Christie, assistant-master Waiokaraka school, later headmaster of Waiotahi Greek school, and Bayfield school, Auckland; Albert Gerring, assistant master, Kauaeranga Boys’ School; others in back row, Miss Wilson, Miss J. Paterson; then in centre, Mr. Horatio Phillips, headmaster of the Kauaeranga School,-, -, -, Miss Crowther, Miss Wolff, W. Hammond, p.t. (back row; in front, A. Chas. Hill, p.t., W. Simmonds, p.t., W. H. V. Hall, Mr. Taylor, assistant teacher at Parawai School. Middle row, from left: Miss Kate Fletcher, -, -, Miss F. Fletcher, Miss Gibb, Miss Ashman, Miss K. Mulvany, Miss Ryan, Mrs. H. Phillips, Miss Colebrook. Front row, from left: Miss Truscott, Miss A. Hall, Miss Murrish, Miss Brown, —, Miss Gibbons, Miss McQuade, Miss M. McLaughlin, —, Miss Goad. 
     One in the back row may be Miss Jessie Heighway. Among the males, Messrs. Jas. Christie, A. Gerring, H Phillips, M. W. Simmonds and Taylor are deceased. Messrs. F. Lough, W. E. Johns. W. Hammond, Chas. Hill, W. H. V. Hall are still living."
Thames Star 20 August 1937 courtesy of PapersPast.

Education at The Thames
Aucklanders were envious of the number of schools on the Thames Goldfield and the attendance records - Often questioning why Thames got so much assistance. The answer being that from the time the town was opened for pakeha settlement in August 1867, one of the things that was pushed by all residents was education. The schools introduced innovative teaching methods, and valued the education of both boys and girls. The examples in the passages above demonstrate the commitment shown by our early teachers to continually strive for better methods, which included attending Saturday lessons to advance their teaching skills.
     You can read more about education on the goldfield in Thames Goldfield Schools by A Barker.

The Tonic Sol Fa System at The Thames
The following are snippets from our local newspapers on the system:
  • 1874 September 23 Thames Star:  When Mr J Sheehan MHR, Provisional Secretary visited the Waiotahi Creek School, the pupils under the guidance of Mr Brown sang several songs - having been taught in the tonic sol fa system. "Mr Sheehan said that if all schools under the Act were as well disciplined and so thoroughly organised, the money was well spent."
  • 1874 September 24 Thames Star: Board of Education appointed John Grigg to teach vocal music in Thames Schools for six months - payment rate 150 Pounds per annum. "The Auckland Board of Education have adopted the Tonic Sol Fa method of instruction in vocal music in the public schools." [Remember schools in Thames such as Waiotahi Creek were already using the method]
  • 1879 May 14 Thames Advertiser:  Mr G A Buttle advertised private lessons for adults wanting to learn elementary Tonic Sol Fa.
  • 1880 January 21 Thames Star: Mr John Grigg advertised night classes for instruction in singing of the Tonic Sol Fa Method. He planned to amalgamate his Teachers' and Private Classes - Ladies and Gentlemen would be charged a small fee.
  • 1880 June 16 Thames Star: Thames High School appointed new Music and singing teachers - not everyone thought the Tonic Sol Fa method was achieving success and the Board was in a agreement to return to the old notation system.
  • 1880 June 21 Thames Advertiser: The paper contained a long 'letter to the editor' from Mr John Grigg, who had taken exception to the comments made by the Thames High School Board regarding methods of singing instruction.  Grigg talked of the merits of using both methods, and the advantages of each. It was never the intention to do away with notation method, but due to time constraints the Tonic Sol Fa Method could and did produce great results. He also quoted the success of the system in many English schools.
  • 1887 December 16 Thames Advertiser: Mr John Grigg resigned as itinerant teacher of music in Thames schools, having had the role for ten years. Teaching staff if the Tararu School who on this occasion thanked Grigg, and he praised their proficiency in the Tonic Sol Fa Method.
My Own New Zealand Home - written by Mr John Grigg of Thames
The Song above is written using the Tonic Sol Fa Method.

An interesting time, new methods versus old, or a mix of all systems. What is impressive, is that these old Thamesites continually explored new methods in education and kept up-to-date concerning developments around the world. 
     Thamesites were indebted to Mr John Grigg, (who died 100 years ago), there is no doubt he provided invaluable music instruction to hundreds of children during his ten year plus tenure as itinerant school music teacher at the Thames.