Full article in The Treasury Journal, in the OUR PEOPLE SECTION.
Click here This includes personal and war history details for each of the men,
Thames doctors who served in World War One were:
AUBIN, Emile Dupont, WWI Serial No. 3/961
BARCLAY, William John, WWI Serial No. 3/1806
CRAIG, George, WWI Serial No. 12/360
DERRICK, Thomas, WWI Serial No. 3/4003
FRASER, Thomas Campbell, WWI Serial No. 3/3956
LAPRAIK, George, WWI Serial No. 3/1440
ROGERS, Reginald James, WWI Serial No. 3/3283
WALSHE Denis Byrne
WATSON, Donald Dr, WWI Serial No. B.R. 37/4803