1. You may start at the Cemetery information page http://www.tcdc.govt.nz/Our-Services/Online-services/Online-Cemetery-Search/
Scroll down to Search our online SMART Maps Cemetery viewer and click
2. Click on the cemeteries photo (see right what it looks like)
4. Far left hover over the symbol that says LAYERS (like stacks of paper), click on it and tick all the options
5. At the top middle of the page is the SEARCH BOX with "FIND ADDRESS OR PLACE"
Click on the drop down arrow and select NAME SEARCH
As you start typing the FIRSTNAME you will see all the 'possibles' and can select one at any STAGE. I used MARIA BARKER. Interestingly if you just enter a surname they do not all appear, but using firstname then surname you will see all the names.
6. Now DOUBLE-CLICK on the plot highlighted in orange. The pop-up box has changed and has arrow at top, also information about cemetery and plot can be seen.
7. For more information you can use the right arrow (ie for this search there are 1 of 4)
Then click on SHOW RELATED RECORDS at the bottom of the pop-up box...you then see further burial, age details etc...
8. Now the feature I missed most was being able to see the actual satellite image of the cemetery to help with location. To get this view click the FOUR SQUARES (Basemap Gallery) underneath the top search box. Select New Zealand Imagery.
Now you will have a SATELLITE Image in the top right inset box, click on the MAXIMISE SYMBOL and you will now see I have an aerial view indicating where Maria's grave is.
Hope that helps and allows you to experiment and find perhaps easier ways of using the new search facility.
***New post 11 May 2016 that searches by SURNAME to give full list***
***New post 11 May 2016 that searches by SURNAME to give full list***