Particpation in sports was very important for Thamesites from the time the goldfields started, as well as a wide variety of club memberships. These are all regularly reported in the local newspaper.
Here are some examples.
Thames Bowling Club established 1900 and still going strong.
Thames cricket underway before 1900
Horse Racing - the first meet held 2/1/1868! An excellent resource being "Racing for Gold" by J Williams
Whaleboat racing & Rowing - very popular clubs, pre 1900 in particular. Crews travelled all round New Zealand to compete very successfully in a wide range of events.
Here are some names & details:
Established 1899
Officers for 1900:
Mr E G WILLIAMS, Bandmaster, Mr T B BOOTH, Sergeant & Secretary, Mr A HENDERSON, corporal, Mr J LANG, Treasurer
Other clubs and sports will be looked at in later posts.