An update that I have added over a thousand names at the Totara Cemetery Find A Grave site. One grave recently added to Totara Cemetery was for Rev Father Dignan, catholic parish priest from 1912 to 1936.
This site is accesible to anyone for free, and as a member (free) you can add information and link memorials to others. Lay some virtual flowers and remember loved ones known and ancestors you have never met. It also is searchable as part of Ancestry, so increases the chance of people finding members of their family tree.
So maybe you can find time to add a few names or add some information, or just find a relative and leave them a bunch of flowers :)
Click the Links to checkout Shortland, Tararu and Totara Cemeteries.
If you find any errors use the edit on each memorial or contact me or the 'owner' of the memorial direct.
The majority of RSA graves should also now be entered at the Find A Grave site.
Remember for further research check out the Cemetery page; and remember that The Treasury has headstone photographs and information on most burials.