Sadly the hall was packed to overflowing with a combined Wine & Cheese. But we got there and the book was launched.
Some speeches by Mr Paul Silvester (TH150 Chair & Co-Editor), Geraldine Dunwoodie (True Tales Co-ordinator The Treasury), Rod Perkins (last Thames Hospital Board CEO) and myself.
The response has been amazing, the worst part being so many now wish they had contributed a maybe in the future another will be in the pipeline.
For now the book is on-sale at The Finance Office, Thames Hospital or at Carsons Bookshop, Thames. Cost $40.
Update 6/11/2018. Photographs from the book launch at the St George's Church Hall Friday 2 Nov.
LEFT: Neil, Pauline and Sue man the book sales table. RIGHT: Geraldine spreads the word about the 'True Tales' Project.
Photographs courtesy of Robyn Wilson.
UPDATE: Name omission
on page i a name has been omitted from the list of Thames Hospital 150 Group Members:
the list should include Althea Loveday
UPDATE: Name omission
on page i a name has been omitted from the list of Thames Hospital 150 Group Members:
the list should include Althea Loveday