Lets begin.
1. First follow the links from the TCDC Cemetery Page and click on SEARCH our online cemetery database.
2. Click on the 'Query' magnifying glass symbol top right. Enter the cemetery name if known, then the Surname details (see above example).
If you want to go to the cemetery, taking a print of the snip with you to track down the gravesite. It pays to click some random plots along the path you will wander, and mark the names on your plan, to confirm you are on the right track!
4. Now, if you want to make your task easier, have you tried changing the layers or the base map displayed? Experiment what works best for you. First try altering the Layer list (below left) - the example I am using, I selected only the top option for query result and unticked all other options. Now click the four squares for basemap options (below right). My new favourite is 'TCDC Urban Imagery 2015'.
5. Now,for my example of Edmund Cornes at Shortland Cemetery, I now have a plot map superimposed on an image of the cemetery.
I then removed the layers (except the Query top option), and have a clear image of the cemetery that will show the plot I am after.
Below is the clear view of where the plots I am after, are located. I can see good landmarks to follow: the water tower below left and the path to follow to get to the plots marked as green rectangles.
Closing Comments
Check out the different image options and don't forget the zoom in options top right of the screen (or using your mouse) to get a close view of cemetery plots.
Shortland Cemetery
Totara Cemetery
***** Background information on Thames Cemeteries *****