Important dates may include a wide variety of things. Such as openings of buildings, the first time something happened or the last! Things that you may stop and say, "I wonder when that happened?"
This will be a work in progress, so check back for updates from time to time.
- The Tainui Canoe (part of the Great Fleet) travels up the gulf and stops at a bay now known as Tainui Cove, north of Tararu.
- The land surrounding Tikapa Moana is inhabited and settled by iwi of the Marutuahi confederation.
- November 20 - Captain Cook (then Lieutenant) explores the Waihou River and names the firth / river 'The Thames'.
- In next decades, further European contact, and native timber milled and removed.
1819 & 1821:
- Major battles at Totara Pa (Battles of Dripping Garments & Fall of Totara Pa).
1833 & 1837:
- Church Missionary Society established at Puriri, then moved to Parawai, by the Kauaeranga River.
- July 30 - Official Proclamation, Thames Goldfield. (1)
- August 1 - Thames Goldfield opened and first boat load of miners and officials arrived late evening, most may not have come ashore until the following day due to bad weather.
- August 7 - First Miner's Right issued to Samuel HAMILTON.
- August 10 - First official gold find following the proclamation, known as the Shotover Claim

- January 1-4 - Caledonian Games on Shortland flat
- April 11 - First newspaper published on the goldfield, The Thames Advertiser and Mining News
- November 2 - Thames Goldfields Hospital officially opened.
- Census Thames Electorate 12,000 (boundaries unclear). (1)
- July c15 - Major fire at Pollen Street, Shortland.
- November - The Thames was gazetted as the "Borough of Thames." (2)
- March 25 - First Thames Borough Council was elected. (2)
- April 15 - First official meeting of the Thames Borough in the upstairs of the Government buildings, Queen Street. (2)
- First Mayor of Thames was William Davies. (2)

- April 4 - Major Pollen Street fire.
- January 25 - New Tararu School opened.
- May 15 - Waiokaraka School opened, Thames School closed.
- December 21 - First sod turned for Thames Railway. (5)
- October 23 - Thames Orphanage opened, Kauaeranga Valley.
- April 5 - first pupils enrolled at Thames High School. (1)
- April 12 - Thames High School Officially opened. (1)
- November - School of Mines inaugurated. (1)
- January 25 - First introductory lecture, Thames School of Mines held in Gresham Hall
- August 16 - School of Mines building opened, lectures started 17th (Cochrane Street building)
- Thames Miners' Union formed. (5)
- August 4 - First Arbor Day, planting of trees at Tararu (5)
- Thames Telephone Exchange opened. (5)
- Georgina Burgess (wife of Registrar), first Thames Woman to vote in the elections.
- December - Thames Orphanage Closed.
- Old Men's Home moved to Tararu, Old Women's Home opened,
- December 19 - Thames Railway Line officially opened. (5)
- December 19 - New Big Pump officially opened.(6)
- October 1 - official opening of new hospital on Baillie St.
- November 10 - Band Rotunda at Victoria Park opened.
- Electricity in Surgical Ward, Thames Hospital. (5)
- Kauaeranga Girls School closed, pupils sent to Parawai.

- Electricity supply for Thames households. (5)
- December : Kauaeranga Boys School closed.
- May 25 - Thames High School new building opened in Sealey Street, on old Kauaeranga Baillie Street School site.

- April 25 - First ANZAC Commemoration in Central Hall (5)
- February - Major flood. (2)
- February 17 - First trial of Airmail Post (5)
- New Kauaeranga Bridge opened , paralell with rail bridge.
- September - start to constructing concrete strip Pollen St
- April 25 - Peace Memorial on Waiotahi Hill unveiled.
- May 11 - Hauraki Bridge officially opened (4)
- June 4 - Rhodes Park officially opened (3)
- September - Thames Schools Dental Clinic Opened.
- December 19 - Diamond Jubilee Children's Playground opened
- April 29 - Totara Cemetery officially gazetted, although burials had taken place since 1921.
- May 3 - School of Mines Closed.
- October 9 - 'New" Nurses Home, Thames Hospital opened
- February 6 -Thames Free Kindergarten opened.
- New classrooms built at Thames South School
- April - schools take part in Oral Poliomyelitis Vaccination' programme
- Thames Free Kindergarten built at Grey Street, Thames

- Thames Hospital Ward Block (facing Mackay Street) opened 9th August 1963
- Sept/Oct Regent Theatre old Central Hall demolished and new Supermarket opened under new Municipal Building corner Mary and Pollen Streets.

- March 6 - Parawai School opened for pupils, official opening 24th June 1967.
- March 23 - Official opening of Kopu-Hikuai Road
- August - Thames Goldfield's centennial commemorations
- April 8 - Unveiling of the Town Clock, above the Municipal Building, corner Mary & Pollen Street, Thames
- April - Work began on the Lion's Club redevelopment of the Children's Playground at Porritt Park, Queen Street, Thames.
- December - School Reunions held at Tararu and Kopu Schools. Three schools closed (Kopu, Central and Tararu) pupils to go to the new Moanataiari School.

- February 2 - Moanataiari School opened for pupils.
- May 27 - Moanataiari School officially opened by Hon. H L Pickering, Minister of Education.
- Thames Borough Centennial
- May 27 - Moanataiari School officially opened by Hon. H L Pickering, Minister of Education.
- October 18th - THS Gymnasium opened by Mr F Burke.
- February 17 Major Flood Event
- November 15 - Pak'n Save Supermarket opened Goldfields Mall
- November c24-28- Old Kauaeranga Wooden Bridge dismantled. New bridge opened during preceding months.

- June 1 - Thames Library's new Mackay Street building opened
- November 7 - Goldfields Shopping Centre opened. (Pak'n Save opened 1989). (5)

- April 15 - The Treasury (Thames Coromandel Heritage Trust) opened Queen Street
- February 28 - Thames High School Wharenui building officially opened.
- April 1 - New Skate park opened at the northern end of Porritt Park, Queen Street

- January 5 - King Tide Storm Event & damage to Thames Coast Road
- February 16 - Jack McLean Community Recreation Centre was opened. Located at south end of the THS Gymnasium.
(1) Thames Diamond Jubilee Souvenir 1867 1927
(2) Thames Borough Centenary 1873 1973, L P O'Neill (Editor)
(3) Thames Star Newspaper 5 June 1928
(4) Thames Star Newspaper 11 May 1928
(5) Thames 'Firsts': Special Events on the Thames Goldfields, Althea Barker
(6) Men of Metal,C W Vennell. Wilson & Horton Ltd.