Remember to let us know if you have carried out any restorations to graves / headstones at one of our Thames cemeteries. Or go straight to the appropriate findagrave site and add the photo direct to the memorial. It is always lovely to be able to share with other family members around the world.
George and Sarah Price at Shortland.
Thanks to Graeme for the tipoff that the Price headstone had been restored. The plots at Shortland Cemetery are recorded as 3923 to 3925.

The headstone photos were taken early 2020. The inscription for George Price is on the west face (left), and Sarah Price's on the north face (right).
December 2020 Update
This restoration is a great example of how a clean of the base area and relettering can make an enormous difference, while keeping sympathetic to the historic nature of the grave.
Mr George Price in partnership with his brother Alfred, founded A & G Price, the renown foundry business at The Thames.